Dear all
I hope this finds you well and peaceful...whatever you feel, know that there is a God who loves you very much and is faithful. If you need to find out more about who you are and what your identity in God is, please do tune in this Weds 22/6/22 when I will be interviewed by Pamela Koefed of Faith Cafe Productions. Here is the blurb from Pamela:
It has been a long while since I’ve had a guest on Faith Cafe Productions. I have a very special guest from the U.K. to introduce to you.
Julia Stevens will be joining me live, June 22nd, 10 a.m. Pacific Standard time (6pm BST). The Lord has given Jules (Julia Stevens) insight & information to help us live more completely and more fully than we ever imagined, no matter what our circumstances.
Her book, LIKE HIM is by far the best book that I’ve read in 2022, other than the greatest of all books—the Bible.
Julia includes instructions & insights we all can benefit from, as we are being transformed into who we really and truly are. She shares insights from God, activations, and every chapter includes a correlating prayer.
Julia has been blessed with insights from the Lord directly and from His heavenly messengers that I want to read again and again.
Join us live so that you can comment live, ask questions, or receive prayer. Or watch the recorded version, located indefinitely on Faith Cafe Productions.
Julia has blessed me with 3 copies of LIKE HIM to give away to viewers. Watch for more information about the book giveaway coming soon.
I hope you get to join us, we shall be praying for you.
Lots of lovely love,
